Telegram, a cloud-based social networking application has gained popularity in recent times. With WhatsApp changing its privacy policy, users have been exploring options to switch to other secure and safe social networking sites. Signal and telegram have ravaged and the most sorted options. But are they as safe and secure as being guaranteed? To understand the same, let us have a look at the privacy policy offered by Telegram. Introduction Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging application. It was launched in 2013. It has nearly 500 million active monthly users. Being based in Dubai & UAE, Telegram has spread its wings in almost all countries of the world. It focuses on speed, security, safety and openness. Created by two Russians, it has made its mark on the entire world. Principles of Privacy Telegram works on two major privacy principles. Telegram does not filtrate and save the users data to show advertisements to them. This makes it a relieving...